Dear me it has been such a wjile since i did this. notb that I havben't been drunkard, justv that I haven't been drunk and in charge of a computer! Had a mixed up fun day today with friends, although they were a bit weird at tinjes. There was a hario krishna festival thoing that was gponmg on right next to where we were haveing a quiet drinlk betb ther wwas also a skate festioval with the bigeest vert ramp in the uk which was cool. They hadsome banging drum and bass and we watched them doing some cracking vtricks as well as wqatching them fall off alot too.
work tomoorw whoch will be swucky ands nthen back to ther old hum drum life!
Yor my behst mate.
September 10, 2006
There is the Anti-Christ, but...
I am the anti-pull.Ask me out for a good night.
Ask me out for a laugh.
Ask me out to have something random happen.
DO NOT ask me out if you need to pull, it just won't happen around me. I don't go ON THE PULL, I hate that phrase with a passion. I don't know why, but it just grates me. This isn't to say that I don't 'pull', because I do. But I don't deliberately go out to do that. Girls come up to me because they want a bit of fun, I won't just do it for the sake of it. Fuck off.
Also, don't get angry at me because YOU can't pull. Although it's completely my fault because I'm the anti-pull - don't fucking blame me. You may come out with the excuses:-
- Oh, maybe I'm not drunk enough.
- There are no nice girls tonight.
- I can't be bothered to pull
I'm tired, my tongue is swollen up and I've run out of humourous (sp?) things to say. But I'm still going to stay out because I love being out. This doesn't mean that I'm hanging on until the end of the night to find some 'hottie'. Perhaps I don't want to pull, perhaps I don't give a shit right now. You do what you bloody want for fucks sake.
Fuck fuck.
Still tomorrow, I'm gong to wake up and whinge about what we missed. But I don't mean it, I'm saying it because that's what blokey society has instructed me to say.
Fuckety Fuck.
I've run out of stuff to say, the above may not make anyt sense but I mean it. There's the truth in there somewhere.
ps I think I love* the barmaid in Pitcher & Piano, Swansea.
*Not really, I'd just like to smother her in honey and lick it all off. Then make a hot chocolate and drink it while she dances in the corner of my room to a NERD track. I'll watch and then she'll jump on me when she's finished the dance and we'll do filthy things until the morning. In the morning she'll bring me a bowl of Crunchy Nut cornflakes because they're ludicrously tasty.