December 23, 2005


it's me againost

maybe i should be worried nbecause I'm the most profilive authosr on this here blog

i wasgoing to to go bwed at a reasonalbe hour today

instead, i neded up going dancying and not getting home until 217 pm

and i have to be in work at 8

of happy holiday s

as longa s i have my thermal son then i think i will be fine

btw i have a big secret that ic an't tell

and it's ckilling me

it's sudh a nice secret

but i'm nopt allowed to tell

i ust hope that soneone iknow it'sns techologyically savvy

therwise the seret its cout


oh lord, ihtink i need to s;eeo

December 22, 2005



Not had too many tonight, but enough to log in to theis place.

Got a free ticket to the rugby tonight, I was fine until a lovely looking young lady perched herself in the seat in front of me. "I knpow her" I thought. It wwasn'#yt helped by the fact that she kept looking back at me.

I realised after about 68mins of the game - I had pulled her about two years ago, in Cardiff. neither of us said anything, whic was good.

AND also - Kelly Clarksons 'Since u been gone' was the last song over the speakers in teh stadium before kick off.... the friend sat with me laughed his ass off for abotu 3mins, mainly at my recent KC obsession. Girl last weekend even LOOKED like the American Idol winner, amazingly similar - I've been dying to tell everyone but just haven'y got the guts to do it on my own blog

Ho Hum.

Right, going ot go to bed and dream of pizza - I'm starving and need to rtrick myself into thinking I'm full.


December 21, 2005

The problem

with hving a blog that's just for drunken posts is that usually i am so druk that i forget to post.

oops, i think ive already broken the cardinal ru;e and done some spellchecking. it's very hard not to, it's in my nature, i'm anal and detail orientated

anyaway as i was saying, usually wen i'm so drunk that iw ould be funny, i forget to blog

so now, i'm meryr, not hammered, nad i thought iw uld write

it' bloody cold outsie here . about minus 10 by all accounts. good job that i've got my thermal son then.

oh lord, we need to get som emore people writing on this here blogo=therwise it'll just be me bleating on as per bloddy usual and noone want sot hear that.

and so to bewd.

i'm going ot crakc some nuts tomorrow

December 16, 2005

Well Well wekk


I thin mkI 'm supposed ro contibute to this.

But I can't hep it because I'm farking lush. the hottest gorl in th e club tonigh twas a 20 year old. I feel SSOOO old. Well, that is what I have to say,,., Apart from all the "hot"5 year olds hitiin gon me too, I HATE tehm.

God. I haven't even had a kebab.


December 11, 2005

my first drunkent post

it's very late in the evening

I hate politics

i know that this is n't going tomean that much to you

but, i thoght i wouldn be the first to write here

i think i nees to write something that they won't get offended by

everyone knows


December 09, 2005

The Rules

Beer is for breakfast round here, drink or you're gone.

Spell checking is for sober people

Try your best not to slag off/bitch about other people, okay? It might be more trouble than it's worth.

Posting is only permitted after consuming alcohol. The volume of the wonderstuff in your body doesn't matter, as long as you're a bit wobbly - it's okay to post.