March 13, 2006


This has got way too fuckin tame.

Jesus. m JK is NOT cute, that's not fair. I AM the cute one.and that is the end of it. K?

Well, this morning my teeth were bleeding but htat's because I srank/smoked/danced/ate too much. I didn't actually do any of that because I passes out at 9pm. I am sio cool.

Anyway, some girl called Lucy said that I was talking to her last night but I wasn't sure. Lucy said that I was funny so that's giod. Karen backed her up and said tha I was funy tkoo.

We went to Lloyds bar and has a few more drinks wotj so,e cool video production compnany called Phaelon or sometings. they were cool.

Right, the message was:0

Art - You srink= too much for an Indian girl.

Mona - You are funny, I like you. If I met you in a bar I would tell you my best jokes and stories.

Cope - If I met you in a bar I would not speak Welsh because you would put me to shame. Despite your Northern pronounciation.0

L - nuff said. Im lookuing forward to meeting u.

Huw _ met u already, you are funnyu. Not quick but qwhen yiou put a sentence ogether, it's well constructed*. *(has a punchline)

Mum - You shouldn't be reading this.

Laura - Nice to meet you tonight.

Everyohne else - I don't care at the mo. (Apart from the Toothless Teenager who I think is the coolest person alive.)

K. Nite kids.


At 3:02 pm, Blogger Cleavers said...

oi, where's my shout out?

*wanders off in a huff*

At 3:29 pm, Blogger Curly said...

Well, I think this is the most insightful post about my nights out yet. Making girls laugh, saying how great I am, schmoozing with media types, telling people how great THEY are and stirring up trouble - all done tongue in cheek of course (I think).

Art - No idea why I wrote that. I could have just mis-typed 'stink', but I don't know that for sure!

Cleavers - Sorry. You obviously didn't cross my mind at the time. I'll make up for it next time... I promise!

At 4:17 pm, Blogger mo** said...

you ARE the cute one

At 9:29 pm, Blogger Chris Cope said...

Which is odd, because I speak the southern dialect. Mostly.

Hell, much of the time I have no idea what I'm saying.

At 12:33 am, Blogger joseph knecht said...

Aww come on, surely I'm, a *little* bit cute?

At 10:29 am, Blogger Curly said...

Mona - I KNEW it!

Cope - No idea why I wrote that but while we're here, you DO use Southern dialect but there were plenty of words pronounced in a Gog accent... from what I can remember after seeing your video of you speaking Welsh. Maybe I'm the only one to notice this, maybe you don't have an accent.

JK - I'll let you off because I was drunk and probably in my attention seeking "Look at me, Look at me" mode. Keep up with the poetry...

L - Damn, I promised that? Okay, I'll search for Swanseas finest chip shop.


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