Beer cheese soup
Do you know about beer cheese soup? It is beer and cheese in soup form. My wife makes it and it is delicious. Delicious, amigo. Commrade. Hoss. Friend. Pal. Compadre. Cyfaill.
Also deligious is Russiamn beer. My wife bought me some and i drink it all up. No lime. No coconut.
They sell it here and it is bottled by number. I am a big fan of this utilitarian thinking. Don't name it, give it a number. That way I can walk into a bar in Moscow and hold up three or nine fingers. That's what I want -- a three or a nine. God bless you, Russians. I'm sorry to hear that capitalism has crushed your way of life. I'm pretty sure it fucked up ours, too. But I wasn't born then. The plus side is that you get coffee. Anywhere you go in this world, capitalism is there with a nice hot cup of coffee and a Sheryl Crow CD. Sheryl Crow, motherfucker. Men fought and died so you can listen to Sheryl Crow. Lance Armstrong thanks you for buying her CDs. The man's got one nut. Maybe less. And he shags ultra rich Sheryl Cow while you swill coffee in Starbucks. They all look the same. Am I in a Target in Fargo, North Dakota, or a petrol station in Primm, Nevada? Only the receipt will tell.
Iechyd da, Lance. I raise my bowl of beer cheese soup to you.
teaater tooter
its important to try and be a good person.
i cant think of anything else to type this time
good niht
Friday driinking
So thew thing is that my internet connection is downstairs and G no 1 and her man are wtaching 24 and they are three episodes ahead of nme so I don’t want to watch. szo I am doing this on the owrd processor and I will copy and paste tomooropw without checking for mistakes blah de blah. i will adhere to all of the sfore mentioned rules i swear.
i just had the most surreal night in the pub ever. I invited a fellow blogger to come and see me in my local habitat and really that was a bewad mistake. there was a singing scaryu ladty, a lip reader and haplf of the abonomble snowman. i guress you had to be there but hey, do you wnat to buy a wat5ch?
i am desperately tryiong not to drunk text my possible new man because i would hate if he thought i wqars an a complete piss head but I justr wanna say hey you. i like you. you aree nice.
i have tiold myself that I am allowed to do it in the mortning,.I am so boring sometimes.
well i hope y’all are piseed and happy like frogs.
I am a fucking king
Some day people will be really fucking impressed by me. Right now they aren't. Right now I just want to sleep.
Look at me speaking Welsh.
Curly ducked!
Oz looked on from above... the security guard had no knowledge of him! Actually maybe we should start from the beginging!
So me (that's oz) and christophe walked from loyds to whertefver we could get our jollies! bearing in mind we'd been to any self respecting bar in cardif in search of a late pint!!! We ended up slightly off the beaten track... where i her you ask... shut up.. and i'll tell you!!
so we're walking past the old 'ST DAVIDS SHOPPING CENTRE" and chris decides to take a short cut... good news methinks and i follow... little did i know this shorrtcut as it was first shown to me was up a dodgy loking alley!
nevermind... i followed... soon we were lost among the doorways of the shoping center,,, oh shit... (ithought) i don't know where i am... no orries.. chris didn't have a fucking clue... but i thought he had so i followed the dumb bastard! up i went to the totally unconspicuous ladder attached to the building (the bank) we climbed... and no-one noticed!!!
For two hours christophe and i scrambled across the rooftops of cardiff much like that of the artfull dodger or iff you know what i mean jimmy the hand! we were the kings of cardiff.. we saw the whole town from above and we were in charge! It made us aware oif the trivial things which we take for granted (i.e. how taxi drivers only take hot women home on a weekend, and also they are usually asian!!!)
As we decided to decend from the roof (after the failure to remove the flag (those scout bastards attached too many reef or whaever gay homosexual hetrosexual imnosexual degometrofantuiguanasexual knots in the flags "the worlds local bank and all") some big fat bastard security guard decided to arrest chriss on the count of benig too good looking... only kidding! he arrested him for being on the roof of a bank,,, bearinf in mind he couldn't find chris.. he had to own up before the big man threw a tantrum... at this point i landed froma nearby ladder to surprise the dimwitted guard... who now did not ahve a clue how to deal with the situation... honest... if the kijng of mars arrived he would have offered him a dorito!!!!!
either way me an chris managed to blag our drubkan ways out o fit... imense!!! tommorow might be a messyt day'!!!
1,000 words
im an early drunk a regualr liteweiht.
i cant handel my alcool. not anymore- what is this clownery? i admit i dont really like clowns..
tell me how did you power beer, im taking an ntlm class i should know these things. oh right I only begn today
i loved it. ususally all my classes are full of girls, this one is full of boys- i love it. i work better with boys, i like the tension. i went out, hapoy hour drunk. am happy- i thought to myself as i was drinking, when i get home i shll do my duty and pst in drunk blog.
im hungry
i like the madelaeines. they are sweet and moist and delicious- moist like my tummy- perhaps wont eat that then..mais non- theyre too good to refuse buti dont have any
i liek wine- i like vodka too.
i think a pint of beer though can suffice
im sure i could keep rambeling
im sure i could keep typgin for hours
im sure if i reread this i will delete more than half but once gain i refrain- gotta get used to it
im supposed to go out to a club tonitgh am tempeted to just stay in bed though
i wish i had accepted that guys proposal. s
argh im a dimwit sometimes but i cant .. i silly
bu serisouly it hink my ed is better for me amd me aloneright now. [in case i wake up too hungover or decise i am too sick to cuddle you know wht i mean!???can u cuddle when u dotn ow the person?i guess i woll never find out]
bon good night la.
i say goodnight to stop myself from endless rmble.
who gets these anyway== i feel sorry for yu
but then again i dont because its brilliant.
seriously bonne buit- gonna find some food take a shoer and pass out i believe however lame it is for a friday night - if between the shoer and now i get a cal i will go out theough and will post again proper after as i am sre will be even more plastered- unledd once i post i see that this is too long.
gosdd night.
hope there are mny posts this night from ppl arounf the worl partying
me again
i'm supopse to be packing as i'm going aways to morrow
however, i find myself blogging - yet agian\
i blame gieek. she maight have been very drukin yesterday evenign but at leat she was able to spell
so, i've habe ben trying to pack thins eeng. i hae a red suitcaes which is now full of clothes that i'm not sure i will wera. it's 1.22 in the morning na dI'm suppose dto be up at 6am to be in a taxi at 7am. i've phone myt fiend s in th euk coz it's 6am there and, of cours, theyare boun to be up as they are on their way to nyc.
i thin theya tthin that i am a drunken lush
have been tryuing to eteach the canadians how to spak with slang in their voabulrlary. the furhthest they have got is 'pants' and 'bloddy nory'. not sure they are gon to gert that far in the uk awith that.
oh lord, i've embarrased myself ones again. oh well, at least i an say that most of the peopel on this site don't kown me.
new yoedk awaits.
My Very first post
I'm posting virginally as a druken sod. Brilliant.
Does the fact that I've been sitting in my apartment, drinking vino for uno, make it a sad, sad, state of affairs?
But I'm tipsy nonetheless. So methinks it should count.
I figure htat Cleavers' posts from our drunken debaucheries covers most of what I would have had to say on other nights that I have imbibed, so I did not feel the need to post forthwith. Pleaze read the above with an English accent.
And Curly, 49 shours ain't nothing. It's when you find out that she got married in that 28 hours that shoud make you a bit concerned. Just a tip from your nealhy neighbourhood fireman.
Go Leafs!@
Right, I am again.
If a grill doesn't call you wihtuin 48 hrs of you leaving a message, is that bad?
I have a good story to tell tonight. ABout 2 years ago I met a girl in a queue for a bank teller in Barclayd. I ran back to work claiming that I hadf met the girl of my frea\ms. Everyon ein work just lauhged necause I was alwaysd the cute guy that did everything wrong. I asked if it was okay to ask someont out iif you's justr met tehm in a bank. NO! Was the resounding asnwer.
dOn Monday, I saw her again. I explanied the bank story and it all went good. But I'm worried cos she hasn';t calledf me back - despite munerous texts back and forth.
Oh my god, I am such a sucker for girls thaet have a cute smile.
Don't lose.
Drumroll please....
First post.
Numero uno.
Toast is good.
Soory thatw was my stomach talking.
IK have been out with all my mates tonight - happy birthdat Graeme.
I have wine and toast. Woo Hoo.
One sentence per l;ine - I have no idea why.
Pissed people normally have some thing profound to sqqay. All I hyave is that TOAST IS GOOD.
incubus - wishj you were here
incubus - are you in
inxs - Th one thing
inxs - original sin
turin brakes - mind overmoney
art brut - good weekend
oh dear
i wa supopsed to b good adn ot be drinkning ut I think I failed
i can't think o fanything t write
we werere in a pub adn met some othre english person
he was a dick
i's now 1.30 in the monrong
i itnk i should go do t
the tempatation to dcorrect what yo write is absolsteluy loody alwayfl
and it's only a tuesday
d ons soir
half twelve
on a tuesday morning.
I've had a great coulpe of nights out in the 'diff thanks to a tax rebate which found its way to my house iovwer the mail.
mondaty - best night out in ages, learnt a lot of things. missed worlk obn tuesday, so justchilled out in the pub. I miss living in Cardiff so much. Sawoads of old mates, drank 2 pints in 4 hours then curryu with eirian, osian &bethan, then started o nJD with Os. littkle bit fuzzyu.
I love my friends, and i love cardiff, and I wish I could affotrd to live here again.
that is all, for now.
Funniest moment of the last coupkle of days,
*Scene set in Eirians house at 3am - it's dark"
*Eirian gets out of bed to go to the toilet, can't see a thing but hears Greggers shuffling about in the dark on teh coridoor.*Greggers:- Eirian, are you naked?
Eirian:- "What teh fuckl? No I'm not!!"
switchde on the light "I AM"
wasted on a sunday afternoon
ok!! im finally a pert of this and im taing advantage of the fact that i just got home and am completly and unterlly wasted and its not even 8pm yet.. yes the joys of being from a family that enjoys to drink. sundy family meals make it so tha i get to drink the liquor that i cant afford and get my head up to the places it doesnt go to during the week..i dont even know if what im saying makes sense but im forcing myelf to not rea over what i worte just because thoe are the rules,, wait since when do i foillowe the rules????it doesnt matter ofr the sake of this blog i shall becuae i like to drink i like being high i like the stae of euphoria i like to laugh i ike to sing i like to laugh and have everyone around me feel the same- i am in love with life i am in love with everythng that approchaes me right now- alcoohol equals love- whoaa im in trouble!