ipod tatic
i loe my ipod - generally
but unfortuatnely, it appears to have taken a w=turn for th worse
all of a suden, it is showing an unhapy face. that is not good. being the technologically savey person that i am, of course i know what to do
this involves typing itno gooogle - my ipod has na unahhpy face, pc
appaprently, it's very important to type in pc as the results will be dfifferent for a pc than from ra mac
so, i've now plugged my ipd into my computer to see what happes
becuase i am off to nyc on thrusay and i need my ipod
i nedee my ipod
ineed my iod
i need my ipod
i knew iwould wirte it correctly given enought tries
ok this is gonna be worse than iusuql coz im on a french keyboard i am trying hard to concentrate on the letters as i type so that this all works out;
i dont like the nez bond guy; in fact i never liked the bond fil,s to begin zith except i like sean connery hes hot for an older felloz i zoulnd minf crossing paths with his son:::i dunno if he even has qny kids
shit im totally english typing i forgot::::
ok anyway
i dont really have much to say otjher than im at a friends house zriting this and she is cool tonight ze had a party..zell in fact it was more a "cpe" party) thisis beciuase for the past week i hhavent been a good stufdent and have been rioting instead ) i spoke to mu best friend who happens to shop at christophle qnd diotr and she thinks i, a clozn for rioting qand she mocks me by calling me a communist: there hasnt been communism since the prehistoric ages) no china nor ussr nor cuba are communist they stove for it via socialism: im not q communist i just want to ::oh fuck it i am not debating this with you noz
anywya i like quebec becuqe they 'offer security the law there is so intense and protective of the people i love it
in the states forget it) you ,ay as zell die no one cares and iln afraid it will be the same here
i like britan becaude they offer health care for theuir poeple and yet remain xcapitallistic i dont like the fqct that they remain copitalistic but i like thqt they cover the heath care::: hey im an active volonteer for msf what do you expect i love people not money so i cant really pretend that i am happy with ppl who shop at dior nor matter how much i love themm
tomorroz i wake up earlt to occupuy a place i cant discolse as it is a secret
i got interviezd byt he ,edia
i looked like shit in fact mu famil y things im seriously sick but im not i jhjust havet slept a lot lately cow i of course do not wantt of fail my classes: to be an activst dr see;s to sshock although any other way wouldnt make sense to ke::so sleep qnd food qre li,nnired to chips and bensches in my uni: tonight i am sleeping in her couch im pretty ha^^y it zill be warm
ok i lost concentration the mix of keyboadr and wine is just aq mess
im not even that drunk itrs just rthr azerty vs the::qwerty
i think i got that right
oh and by the way CURLY is the noicest guy on the plqnts: i dont cqre what i wrote in my blog about the sweetest guy= curly just wins the priwze
he sent me llike 12 albims ^PLUS wait till u hear this= commentaires on what to listn to etc:: for mu birthday and qll the songs fukin rock
curly no matter where my heart is i swear you are emlected best man of the year
si you gotta fight for your rights to party and everything else
life is good
time shifting
i juwts wrote a post.
byt becaue of the tieme differenc it loosk as if it wrote it before mona when in fat i wote it after her
v bizzare
i love hte how e time differenc ething
bed for eme now
the luck of the irish
not oing to gbe anywhere near as interesting a mon'as post
for a county that is not paticularly irih, thye seem to celbrate it in awesome dstyle
all th eirish pubs are packed out to the max
anything that is near an iarish pubbu isn't an irish pub is aced out t t the mszc
just becausei; ve an english accent they kind of thikn that i'm vaguely irish
ut i'md not
i'me enlgihs
and proudof it
anywya,therew was a lot of green, a lot of chat, a lot of boose
and now it just leaves me to say
happy st pattrics' day to you alland i h;e that enough alcholc was quffed tpo sink a battleshuipe
bon soir
arrive dechi
spo9koini notchi
i missmty mum
bueno nochie
This has got way too fuckin tame.
Jesus. m JK is NOT cute, that's not fair. I AM the cute one.and that is the end of it. K?
Well, this morning my teeth were bleeding but htat's because I srank/smoked/danced/ate too much. I didn't actually do any of that because I passes out at 9pm. I am sio cool.
Anyway, some girl called Lucy said that I was talking to her last night but I wasn't sure. Lucy said that I was funny so that's giod. Karen backed her up and said tha I was funy tkoo.
We went to Lloyds bar and has a few more drinks wotj so,e cool video production compnany called Phaelon or sometings. they were cool.
Right, the message was:0
Art - You srink= too much for an Indian girl.
Mona - You are funny, I like you. If I met you in a bar I would tell you my best jokes and stories.
Cope - If I met you in a bar I would not speak Welsh because you would put me to shame. Despite your Northern pronounciation.0
L - nuff said. Im lookuing forward to meeting u.
Huw _ met u already, you are funnyu. Not quick but qwhen yiou put a sentence ogether, it's well constructed*. *(has a punchline)
Mum - You shouldn't be reading this.
Laura - Nice to meet you tonight.
Everyohne else - I don't care at the mo. (Apart from the Toothless Teenager who I think is the coolest person alive.)
K. Nite kids.
Oh no
So I work in a pub.
Other times, I work for Kenneth Branagh.
Don't ask.
Tonight, I was working in the pub.
After which, I got drunk. In the pub. It was quite nice.
I have a not quite girlfriend. She's a marine biologist, and she's currently in Honduras saving underpaid fishermen from evil American corporate types. I miss her, and it seems that Kronenbourg makes me miss her more.
I wrote her a poem.
In the drunken spirit of sharing, here it is, with the preface that I seem to have given it in the e-mail I sent her.
I'm embarrassed enough about sending it, so I thought I might as well make it ten times worse by sharing it with the internet.
Thank god I write under a pseudonym.
By the way - Belle & Sebastian? Better after booze.
*Bops quietly to self*
If her response is amusing enough, and I'm suitably inebriated, I'll probably post it.
" I should point out that this is not my best work. Most of it doesn't even rhyme. However, it does scan, plus or minus the odd trochaic and pyrrhic substitutions*. So I guess it's okay.
Ode to a Marine Biologist (Absent)The Woman's gone to foreign climes afar
So I must practise Poesy on her.
The crazy lady's gone to save the men
who fish for lobsters 'midst the Honduran
coast, at great risk to life and limb;
She's brave, and smart, with passion overflowing;
She cares too much, and has a lovely bum.
So, fair gods of seas, of air, and land,
I beg, return to me in one fine piece
Marine Biologist extraordinaire;
A Lightweight, Sweetheart, friend and maybe more
Whose chat and kiss I miss, and whose bum I adore."
*I'm amazed that I remember these terms at all, let alone after Too Much Beer. Yay me.***Update***
Even in my terrible state, I'm already massively embarrassed to have ever written this, let alone to have posted it. Just thought you should know. The desperate mock-epic style is especially grimace-inducing. Hence the post's title. Will go and lie down now.Mitigating circumstance - the poem was composed in the space in 6 minutes.
That's no excuse, I know.
Okay, form an orderly queue, get in line and take a ticket. Chris is available, he's a good laugh, he's sweet and knows how to treat a girl, he can't afford roses but he'll try his best to draw one so it lasts longer, he's well travelled and he has SO many contacts in different countries if you want to visit.... But there's one stipulation,
You HAVE to have a boyfriend. Yep, that's the only type of girl I attract. If you're single, you won't be interested. FACT. You know what? my type of girl is short and brunette, but I ALWAYS get tall blondes. I must be the only guy pissed off by this.
Tonght, lovely girl. Talking to her for ages, her boyfrfiend was only 6 feet away but he was too scared to talk to me (I must look scary).... at the end of the night she was giving me all teh good stuff - a little kiss, she couldn't keep her hands off me but when I asked her to come back - she said that she had to go back to her bfriend. WHY?
This is one of many examples - Im not a slut ot anyitnhg but it's jusrt a fact of life.
God damn. Can't believe I'm writing this, I promised myself that I'd never write about girls but hey, here I am. yakking liek there' s no tomorow.
Wekl, here's to you all - I hope your high opinion of me has disintegrated.
Fuck thi.s.