ok this is gonna be worse than iusuql coz im on a french keyboard i am trying hard to concentrate on the letters as i type so that this all works out;i dont like the nez bond guy; in fact i never liked the bond fil,s to begin zith except i like sean connery hes hot for an older felloz i zoulnd minf crossing paths with his son:::i dunno if he even has qny kids
shit im totally english typing i forgot::::
ok anyway
i dont really have much to say otjher than im at a friends house zriting this and she is cool tonight ze had a party..zell in fact it was more a "cpe" party) thisis beciuase for the past week i hhavent been a good stufdent and have been rioting instead ) i spoke to mu best friend who happens to shop at christophle qnd diotr and she thinks i, a clozn for rioting qand she mocks me by calling me a communist: there hasnt been communism since the prehistoric ages) no china nor ussr nor cuba are communist they stove for it via socialism: im not q communist i just want to ::oh fuck it i am not debating this with you noz
anywya i like quebec becuqe they 'offer security the law there is so intense and protective of the people i love it
in the states forget it) you ,ay as zell die no one cares and iln afraid it will be the same here
i like britan becaude they offer health care for theuir poeple and yet remain xcapitallistic i dont like the fqct that they remain copitalistic but i like thqt they cover the heath care::: hey im an active volonteer for msf what do you expect i love people not money so i cant really pretend that i am happy with ppl who shop at dior nor matter how much i love themm
tomorroz i wake up earlt to occupuy a place i cant discolse as it is a secret
i got interviezd byt he ,edia
i looked like shit in fact mu famil y things im seriously sick but im not i jhjust havet slept a lot lately cow i of course do not wantt of fail my classes: to be an activst dr see;s to sshock although any other way wouldnt make sense to ke::so sleep qnd food qre li,nnired to chips and bensches in my uni: tonight i am sleeping in her couch im pretty ha^^y it zill be warm
ok i lost concentration the mix of keyboadr and wine is just aq mess
im not even that drunk itrs just rthr azerty vs the::qwerty
i think i got that right
oh and by the way CURLY is the noicest guy on the plqnts: i dont cqre what i wrote in my blog about the sweetest guy= curly just wins the priwze
he sent me llike 12 albims ^PLUS wait till u hear this= commentaires on what to listn to etc:: for mu birthday and qll the songs fukin rock
curly no matter where my heart is i swear you are emlected best man of the year
si you gotta fight for your rights to party and everything else
life is good
fuck i just read this and my spelling can't be that bad...but it is... sorry guys..and yes I just proof read this comment and corrected the mistakes because comments don't count!
and i am on my 3rd one better work
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we love you mona
does drunk commenting count?
Well done for getting a drunken comment in there Cleavers... the word verification stops me doing that 100% of the time!
I suppose you could argue that Communism in its true form hasn't been around for a while, but there are still Maoists and Marxists kicking around. Meh, like you said though - lets not talk about this now!
And cheers by the way, I'm so glad to be crowned "Noicest guy on the plqnts"! It makes me feel pretty special!!
Zhy is the Z key in the place of the W key on a French keyboard? That doesn't make a damn bit of sense.
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